CEO Circle

A unique 8-week mastermind for

forward-thinking leaders

  • Work with a select and limited group of CEOs
  • Become a better leader
  • Heal your relationship with yourself
  • Strengthen the way you interact with others
  • Chart the course for your future growth as a CEO

100% Secure.

This program will help you to excel professionally & personally

8-week program for CEO's

Throughout the program, we will balance the professional and personal areas of growth needed to achieve our full potential. 

Below is a high-level agenda of the topics we’ll cover.


Introduction of the participants and the program

We’ll get to know each other, discuss how we’ll use our time together, and begin looking at everyday challenges we all have.


Healing your relationship with yourself, part 1

The foundation of success rests on these four pillars: exercise, nutrition, sleep, and meditation. We’ll learn how to bring these critical elements into our lives.


Picking your direct reports & working with them effectively

Your relationship with your C-Suite will determine how smoothly your company will grow. Learn how to find and nurture your direct reports.


Healing your relationship with yourself, part 2

We’ll dig deeper into areas that might hold us back and explore forgiveness, self-compassion, and the stories we tell ourselves.


Best practices for working with investors, boards & other stakeholders

The people outside our company play a huge role in what happens inside. We’ll look at these critical relationships and how to keep them healthy.


Strengthening relationships with others

In this session, we’ll move into our relationships with our partners, families, and friends to make them more profound and more meaningful.


Tactics of great leaders

We’ll look at many elements that great leaders have mastered, including effective communication, giving feedback, and building culture.


Putting it all together

For our final session, we’ll explore the strategies of great leaders and how they find balance and create personal game plans for moving forward.

“What I appreciate most is Peter's dedication to fostering work-life harmony.”

Who is this for?

The CEO Circle isn’t for everyone. We’re looking for leaders who are ready to ask the tough questions of themselves and willing to be open and a little vulnerable. You might be a match if:

  • You are the CEO of a small or medium-sized organization
  • You are struggling to get to the next level
  • You want to develop your personal and professional skill set
  • You want to learn from other CEOs in similar situations
  • You’re comfortable talking about emotional topics
  • You can commit to eight weeks of learning, collaborating… and having some fun

Reviews of others who've worked with me

★ ★ ★ ★

“Peter's strategic thinking and planning along with his encouraging and supportive character has been a valuable and applicable consulting experience, and I highly recommend Peter without any reservation.”

- Neel Z. V.

★ ★ ★ ★

“Peter is a very warm, caring, emotional person, which makes him really good at what he does.

But then at the same time, he can turn off those emotions and be brutally honest with you and tell you his opinion on things. Always done in a caring way, but he's very straight and to the point.

Those two sides blend together in what make Peter so great at what he does.”

- Dan S.

★ ★ ★ ★

Peter worked with me during a high pressure period in my startup and I immediately felt recognition of my situation and what I was going through – no doubt due to Peter's background. 

“Through "bi-weekly" sessions I learned new coping mechanisms, ways to center myself, gained ideas for how to handle conflicts, and much more.” 

- Andreas S.

Who is Peter Sorgenfrei?

Peter started and built companies in the US, UK, and Denmark as a Founder/CEO for over 15 years. He has been one of two people in the garage, and has also led  large teams spanning multiple countries.

But then he realized that CEOs and founders need something more.

Most leaders were missing a personal advisor who was not a board member, investor, co-founder, or partner at home—a guide who independently was there for them without an agenda.

Peter has brought the Whole Human Approach to dozens of CEOs and founders globally and helps them develop themselves and their people and grow their companies.

A LinkedIn Top Voice, Peter is also an in-demand speaker for organizations of all sizes.

“He saw me as a whole person and challenged my actions in life as a private person and professional in the company.

Happy clients work at these companies

Happy clients work at these companies


Stressed and not sleeping well

For months, my client was trapped in a downward spiral of being stressed about an upcoming funding round and not sleeping well.

After three weeks of working together, he started sleeping through the night, re-discovered his energy, and lowered his stress level.

Over the subsequent weeks, we improved his feeling of being in control of the business and not the other way around, and eventually, his life returned to what it had been before - if not better.

Trouble in paradise

My client’s marriage was on the brink of divorce. Her partner said she worked too much and had become unbearably irritable at home.

At the same time, my client felt alone in the world, not supported at home, and criticized at every turn.

First, we got a handle on my client’s work habits, gave it structure, and started delegating and reducing her workload. Next, we worked on her health and mood and involved her partner in finding a new path. They are still together…

Finding purpose

He was lost when he called and didn’t know if he wanted to continue. This was his fourth startup, having exited successfully twice before.

He and his co-founder were no longer seeing eye to eye, and rather than working together, they were constantly arguing or not talking.

We started by getting to the root of the problem, which had nothing to do with the business or the co-founder;. Once we figured that out, we addressed it; he changed his perspective (and habits), took a back seat in the business, and started smiling again.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I get time alone with Peter to talk about my challenges?

Absolutely. Your investment includes two individual sessions with Peter, one before the program to understand your challenges and goals and one at the completion to help you set a path forward.

How often will the group meet?

The group will meet once a week for eight sessions.

Is there access to the group in between meetings?

Yes! The group will have a community in Slack to interact and share ideas and best practices.

How can I chat with Peter directly?

Peter will be available for any questions/ideas/concerns/anything else in the Slack channel.

What can I expect regarding results?

As you can see from the testimonials on this page, people who work with Peter develop more clarity in their professional and personal lives. They have calmer minds and better focus on the things that really matter to them. 


More positive experiences

★ ★ ★ ★

“The hard questions that you sometimes don’t ask yourself were constantly posed, helping me focus on understanding what I truly want for myself and how to set specific and measurable milestones to see progress and stay on the chosen path.

In a very short time, I was able to turn around my startup from a deep negative EBITDA to breakeven and a bright future.

Peter has been very flexible, genuinely seeking to understand you holistically, and at the same time, he challenges you in a very helpful way. I definitely recommend any development program with him.”

- Ruben L.

★ ★ ★ ★

“Peter possesses a rare and innate ability to offer guidance in both professional and personal realms. His extensive experience is immediately impressive, and his unique, laser-focused coaching approach adds depth to his one-on-one client interactions.

Peter occassionally employs a rather unconventional approach to help align the foundational aspects of your professional life. This approach involves him encouraging you to address critical aspects such as physical and mental well-being and resolving obvious obstacles.

However, as time goes by, you'll come to realize that even though immediate changes to these fundamentals can be challenging, Peter's advice and his commitment to prompting self-reflection and expanding your perspective on limitless possibilities will lead you to achieve the goals you set, even those you hadn't initially considered.”

- Finn K.

This is what you get:

The CEO Circle

  • In-depth interview and 1:1 intake session with Peter to clarify and qualify your pain points and what you hope to get out of the program
  • Eight working sessions with a select group of CEOs
  • After completion, another 1:1 session with Peter to evaluate what you have developed over the program and set a path forward to take it even further
  • Materials & guides to support you during and after the program
  • A dedicated Slack community for the group, where you can raise questions and discuss issues with Peter and other participants

What others have to say

★ ★ ★ ★

“When the lines between family and business blurred, causing a stagnation in growth, it was Peter who introduced clarity and structure.

His strategies were a breath of fresh air, providing me with the tools to establish boundaries and a renewed sense of purpose.

What I appreciate most is Peter's dedication to fostering work-life harmony.

Under his guidance, I've discovered the joy in my work again and established a sustainable rhythm to my days.”

- Tudor G.

★ ★ ★ ★

“Peter’s guidance and support over a three month period were outstanding. His coaching style was both holistic, honest and challenging.

He saw me as a whole person and challenged my actions in life as a private person and professional in the company. 

This approach gave me tools and clarity for not only growing professionally but also as private person.

On top Peter was very generous with sharing his own experiences from a strong business career and network.”

- Stine H.

Are you ready to become a better leader?